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The benefits of an hearing dog

Deaf and hard-of-hearing people live in a world where sounds are different: it’s difficult, if not impossible, to perceive some of them, and very complicated to locate them. So how can you ensure your safety in a world where almost everything requires hearing?

The arrival of a hearing assistance dog is life-changing: its mission is to replace the ears and provide reassurance on a daily basis! In France, these dogs have access to every place their owners need to go, without exception: refusal is punishable by law!

A hearing assistance dog means ears... on all fours!

At the end of their long training as hearing dogs, all our dogs are capable of helping and accompanying their recipients in a wide range of situations.

vue d'une cuisine

At home

vue d'une rue


une femme conduit sa voiture

In the car

A hearing assistance dog is... a daily help!

In addition to their assistance, our dogs also have the role of bringing a different view of disability and of giving love to their recipients… who give just as much in return!

une classe de primaire rencontre un chien d'assistance écouteur

A helping paw for social integration

The disability of deaf and hard-of-hearing people is not necessarily visible, and communication can be blurred in everyday life: people don’t necessarily understand why the person in front of them doesn’t react, or why he or she doesn’t understand them, which can lead to a great deal of frustration…

The presence of an assistance dog, proudly displaying his cape, and his role in helping a disabled person, instantly lifts the mood, and smiles appear: an assistance dog isn’t very common, after all, but don’t forget that he ensures his owner’s safety, so he mustn’t be distracted or touched!

échange de calins entre un chien et sa maîtresse

Emotional and moral support

It’s a well-known fact: dogs are man’s best friend!

Having a hearing dog is not just about replacing your ears, it’s also about having a faithful companion with whom to share cuddles, playtime and all kinds of activities that will only strengthen the unique bond that binds a dog to its owner for life!

A dog to help you...
  • restore your self-confidence
  • regain your independence
  • be safe
  • be happy

Helping people who are deaf or hard of hearing is only possible thanks to the generosity of the public: assistance dogs are provided entirely free of charge to their recipients.

Thank you for your support in this wonderful mission!

8 septembre 2024

logo journée nationale des chiens du silence

Vide-greniers, marché de producteurs, démonstrations du travail des chiens d’assistance écouteurs, animations pour petits et grands…

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