
To operate, the Association les Chiens du Silence relies on the generosity of the public, from individuals to companies, associations and public institutions.

The Association needs funds, of course, to finance the training of the dogs and the costs of the structure, but it also needs skills and visibility to enable it to carry out its mission: to train and provide free assistance dogs to deaf or hard-of-hearing people.

In this respect, many of our partners and donors are supporting us in our mission, and we’d like to thank them for their confidence!

Our major sponsors

logo des chiens guides de l'ouest

Association les Chiens Guides d’Aveugles de l’Ouest

Provides all the solutions needed to help anyone with a visual disability, whatever the severity, from guide dogs to electronic white canes.

logo banque de france

Banque de France

The Banque de France is our country's central bank. Its three main missions are monetary strategy, financial stability and services to the economy.

logo Bouic Immobilier

Bouic Immobilier - C2i groupe

Located in Tarbes, the agency pays back 5% of its fees to associations recommended by their clients. Choose Bouic Immobilier to get professional support and full monitoring in your real estate project!

logo canidea


Confédération Nationale des Organisations de Chiens d'Aide à la Personne, Canidea brings together numerous organizations training assistance dogs, guide dogs and mediation dogs, including the Association les Chiens du Silence!

logo du CESECAH, l'élevage des chiens guides


The Centre d'Etude, de Sélection et d'Elevage de Chiens guides pour Aveugles et autres Handicapés (Centre for the Study, Selection and Breeding of Guide Dogs for the Blind and Other Disabled) is a breeding facility whose mission is to produce puppies that are as fit as possible for their future role as guide dogs.

logo charpentier


Bases in Orincles in the Hautes-Pyrénées (65, FRANCE), this company is specialized in woodwork and roofing.

logo domaine de falgos

Domaine de Falgos

Located near the Spanish border, Le Domaine de Falgos Golf & Spa overlooks an 18-hole golf course and the Pyrenees. It offers golf lessons, a heated indoor pool and free access to the spa, with sauna, hammam, jacuzzi and gym.

logo leclerc perpignan sud

E.Leclerc Perpignan Sud

E.Leclerc Perpignan Sud is one of Perpignan's major supermarkets.

logo leclerc polygone perpignan

E.Leclerc Polygone Perpignan

Perpignan's E.Leclerc Polygone superstore is located in the area of the same name.

logo fondation d'entreprise domes pharma

Fondation d'entreprise Dômes Pharma

After 70 years of expertise, the foundation has seen the link between man and animal. Building on this experience, the foundation has been actively promoting animal mediation since 2019.

logo fondation dominique et tom alberici

Fondation Dominique & Tom Alberici

Since 2008, the Dominique & Tom Alberici - Octalfa Corporate Foundation has been the fruit of the Alberici family's commitment to improving the quality of life of disabled people and cancer patients. It finances and supports an average of 10 charitable projects a year.

logo krys

Fondation Krys

Thanks to the generosity of its customers and opticians, and with the financial and logistical support of the Group, the Foundation sets up initiatives and partnerships to promote better visual health for all, in France and around the world.

logo fondation d'entreprise optic 2000

Fondation d’entreprise Optic 2000-Lissac-Audio 2000

This is the Foundation of Lissac, Audio 2000 and Optic 2000. It is attentive to the needs of society, and focuses on innovation to improve the visual and auditory well-being of its customers.

logo royal canin fondation

Royal Canin Foundation

The Royal Canin Foundation was established in 2020 to support the role of pets in human health and welfare. Created by Royal Canin, a global expert in health through nutrition for cats and dogs, it is an independent and non-profit organization based in Aimargues, France, that operates globally.

logo google


Google is the most famous search engine, offering free tools for non-profit to help them in their mission.

logo SNCF

Groupe SNCF

Known primarily for its trains, the SNCF group offers a complete range of mobility solutions through its various businesses. It is regularly involved in humanitarian and associative projects, both financially and logistically.

logo l'arche des associations

L'Arche des Associations

National federation of animal protection, animal mediation, animal rights and animal knowledge associations, of which the Association is a member.

logo marmer 


Marmer Menuiserie Aluminium Tarbes is a Manufacturer, Installer and Designer of aluminium joinery in the Hautes-Pyrénées.

logo microsoft


Its core business is the development and international sale of operating systems, software and related hardware products.

logo pennypet


PennyPet is an app offering a bank account, a digital health file, cashback and emergency fund for your animal.

logo royal canin

Royal Canin

Royal Canin is a French manufacturer and worldwide supplier of specialized foods for cats and dogs.

logo total energies


From electricity to gas and oil, the TotalEnergies group is an energy supplier with an international presence.

Our sponsors

Our donors

Being a sponsor, it's
  • an adventure in human solidarity
  • benefiting from tax breaks
  • helping people with disabilities
  • increasing your visibility
  • doing a good deed

Many thanks to our sponsors who, with the support of the general public, enable us to carry out our missions!

Action en cours

salon de jardin

Opération printemps 2025

Action en cours


Vente du calendrier 2026

Action en cours

Vente de chocolats

Vente du calendrier 2026

Action en cours

Le sapin à jouets

Vente de chocolats

Vente du calendrier 2026

Action en cours

Vente de chocolats

Vente du calendrier 2026

Action en cours


Vente du calendrier 2026

Action en cours

chocolats de pâques

Vente de chocolats pour Pâques

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